Dr. Sylvia Sadira, D.O.M., A.P.
Board Certified Doctor of Oriental Medicine
Acupuncture Physician
Dr. Sylvia Sadira has been practicing Acupuncture in the Bradenton/Sarasota area since 2008 before relocating to Orlando. She treats a wide range of health challenges and specializes in treating pain conditions as well as stress and anxiety-related conditions. She has extensive knowledge and understanding of the inner workings of anatomy and physiology, relating the underlying causes of disease for an integrative and holistic approach to wellness.
Dr. Sadira combines Acupuncture, Herbal Therapy, Nutrition, professional grade Vitamin supplements and lifestyle education for a holistic approach and an individualized treatment plan. She also incorporates other oriental medicine modalities in her sessions, such as cupping, acupressure, and ear seeds.
With over 20 years of experience in the field of Natural Health, Dr. Sadira is passionate about helping to educate and empower patients to live healthier, happier lives and heal naturally. She is excited to be joining the team at Summit Chiropractic and looking forward to using Acupuncture to help patients Reach the Summit of their Health!
Schedule an acupuncture appointment with Dr. Sylvia by calling Summit Chiropractic at 407-203-6745!